Where in the world are our Welsh? 3 reasons why we sent disposable cameras on a 45,000 mile journey
We’re always thinking up new and interesting ways to connect with Welsh people overseas. Life is sometimes frustratingly busy and technology can often be intrusive. But we were inspired by a global photography experiment a few years back called ‘the disposable memory project’ to reach out to our Welsh friends overseas…and see where it takes us.
Here a few reasons why we’ve send out cameras to Welsh people in different countries:
- We want to reach out to the Welsh community in new and inventive ways. We love and adore Twitter and Facebook sharing, we go to networking events, breakfast events and we send our board members and patrons out to mingle with business owners in all corners of the earth so we can spread the GlobalWelsh message. But these cameras are a nod and a ‘Hiah!’ to those that have been community members from the very beginning. We like you! And we want to create an appreciation wall/shrine of your beautiful faces (in a non-creepy way).
- We want remind our community members that no matter where they are in the world, someone back home is thinking of them. There’s something special about belonging – and the invisible ties that bind us. We would have sent some losin dant along with the cameras as well, but we didn’t want our friends down under and on the UAE getting into trouble with customs for receiving food packages!
- We want our community members to be able to express their creativity and passion for Wales. We’re hoping for some interesting and candid (but not too candid) shots we can share with our followers and community members and create an online memory ‘scrapbook’ if the adventures of our global community. Also, everyone likes snail mail!
Good things come to those that wait
We have absolutely no idea where the cameras will end up, how people will react to them or what on earth they will take photos of…but we’re guessing the snaps that do come back will have a unique Welsh twist!
Follow us on Facebook and Twitter for disposable camera project updates. Are you one of the worldwide Welsh who has received a box? Well don’t just sit there – get snapping!